
Remember where you are

SURVIVAL Series Remember where you are – You’re treading on someone else’s claimed territory. Walk with caution and respect. Tread lightly. You may be entering a place (church) where only one man is in charge. Before you read further, I want to state that I am not against seminary, but what bothers me is that…
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Undue Haste Makes Waste

SURVIVAL Series Undue haste makes waste… so don’t be too eager to leave. If you’re thinking about leaving your church, stop and take a breath, and realize that you may be taking the chance of trading one problem for something worse!  First, understand the purpose of the church. Acts 2:42 tells us what that is. “And they devoted themselves…
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Size Up the Situation

SURVIVAL Series Today’s conservative Evangelical pastors and church leaders are privileged to have the best and most schooling for Bible knowledge than any other time in history.  Most pastors will earn a Master of Divinity, while others continue to pursue a doctorate’s degree. What is the purpose of these educational accomplishments? Many of them like…
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