Category: SURVIVAL Series


SURVIVAL Series IMPROVISE – Learn to put up, adapt and accept unpleasant situations in church. FM 21-76, the U.S. Army SURVIVAL manual reads: “You can always do something to improve the situation.  Figure out what you need; take stock of what you have; then improvise.” The manual also states, “Learn to put up with new…
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Vanquish Fear and Panic

SURVIVAL Series Confronting church leaders about sin can be terrifying and intimidating.    Who are you to correct the pastor or elders?  After all, they’re the ones who went to seminary, and “God put them in charge.”  You may be a layman, an ordinary person with just a high school diploma.  They, on the other hand,…
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Remember where you are

SURVIVAL Series Remember where you are – You’re treading on someone else’s claimed territory. Walk with caution and respect. Tread lightly. You may be entering a place (church) where only one man is in charge. Before you read further, I want to state that I am not against seminary, but what bothers me is that…
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